TriVeggie is South Baltimore's first bike-powered food cart, and it was designed and built by students from Benjamin Franklin High School in Brooklyn/Curtis Bay. The project began as a discussion about the history of food carts in baltimore. We viewed the film "We Are Arabbers, and spoke with local experts Eric Jackson (Baltimarket) and Megan Driscoll (Habitat for Humanity)
The Velocipede Bike Project donated an industrial tricycle, and by the end of the semester, students were processing vegetables grown at Filbert St. Garden, packaging them into single serving sizes, and selling them. In our first week of business we have sold $200 worth of produce!

Come visit TriVeggie at Ben Franklin High School at 11:30 on Fridays, CBEMS at 2:30 on Fridays, and at the corner of Church St. and Anabel on Saturdays (Hours TBA)