It's with great disappointment that I am composing this post. We welcomed the Charm City Garden Tour on sunday, and had a great time. After a wonderful weekend at the garden, it was that much more disheartening to discover that our TriVeggie Food Cart, nicknamed "Sylvia," had been stolen!
The theft was discovered only an hour before high school students from Benjamin Franklin High School were expecting to once again load Sylvia up with fresh produce and homegrown mint and echinacea tea to distribute to their neighbors. This time it was for a Back-To-School meet and greet being held by Curtis Bay Elementary/Middle in the Filbert St. Garden.

It is a sad day, but Gary and the TriVeggie team have already regrouped and will be once again providing their herbal teas at Ben Franklin High School on Friday at 1pm. Please think of them this week as they work through this latest challenge. For more about TriVeggie, check out the link on the right side of this page.
Sylvia, we will miss you!